
Lent 07 at St Peter and St Paul

"All Are Welcome"

A study course for Lent (Course booklet available here)

  • What does it mean to be welcome?
  • Where do we feel at home, and why do we sometimes feel like “fish out of water”?
  • Is there room in our lives for God?What is it like to welcome him as a guest?
  • In this three session course we’ll be looking at God’s welcome of us, our welcome for God and our welcome for one another.

THURSDAYS 8th, 15th and 22nd March

10-11.30 am or 8-9.30 pm
(You can sign up for the morning or evening sessions – they will be identical.)

In Seal Vicarage (behind the church hall)
Cost - £1 for course booklet

Places are limited to 10 per session – sign up soon on the form at the back of church, 
or by emailing or phoning Anne Le Bas – annelebas@dsl.pipex.com 01732 762955